Environmental and ecological safety technologies and products
Heavy metal resistance gene chips
Heavy metal resistance gene chips
application scenarios:

Based on high-throughput qPCR (HT-qPCR) quantitative detection technology, it is used for the quantitative study of genes related to 9 metal homeostasis and horizontal gene transfer, including 95 gene primers, covering metal efflux, redox reactions, transcriptional regulation, sequestration, Metal resistance genes (MRGs) related to biotransformation and uptake, and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) associated with metal resistance genes. MRG Chip has the advantages of high throughput, low sample size, low cost, short cycle time, and simple operation, and can be applied to a wide range of sample types for the study of prokaryotic metal resistance and microbial-mediated metal biogeochemical processes related to environmental pollution and remediation, agricultural management, human, animal, and environmental health.


Product Application